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Baumann, Oliver; Schönfeld, Mirco
Supporting Serendipitous Recommendations With Knowledge Graphs
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3178/CIRCLE_2022_paper_06.p ...
2nd Joint Conference of the Information Retrieval Communities in Europe (CIRCLE 2022), Samatan, Gers, France

Steuber, Florian; Schneider, Sinclair; Schönfeld, Mirco
Embedding Semantic Anchors to Guide Topic Models on Short Text Corpora
In: Big Data Research Bd. 27 (2022)
doi:10.1016/j.bdr.2021.100293 ...

Strathern, Wienke; Ghawi, Raji; Schönfeld, Mirco; Pfeffer, Jürgen
Identifying lexical change in negative word-of-mouth on social media
In: Social Network Analysis and Mining Bd. 12 (2022)
doi:10.1007/s13278-022-00881-0 ...

Sowe, Sulayman K.; Schönfeld, Mirco; Samimi, Cyrus; Steiner, Petra; Schürer-Ries, Anke
Managing North-South Research Collaboration Projects During the COVID-19 Pandemic : An Empirica ...
In: International Journal of Information Technology Project Management Bd. 13 (2022) Heft 1
doi:10.4018/IJITPM.312255 ...

Huisl, Jonas; Fichtner, Myriel; Eisenhuth, Philipp; Baumann, Oliver; Schönfeld, Mirco; Jablonski, Stefan; Samimi, Cyrus
Towards an Integrated and Contextualized Research Data Management at the Cluster of Excellence ...
Frontiers in African Digital Research : Conference Proceedings
Bayreuth , 2022. - S. 155-172 . - (University of Bayreuth African Studies Online; 9)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005720 ...

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Juniorprofessor Mirco Schönfeld

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